Railway Preservation News

Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk.....
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Author:  SD70dude [ Thu Aug 11, 2022 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk...

This ties in pretty nicely to the other threads about the future of forums and if RYPN is still relevant. This is how some of you look.

rypnclimatechange.png [ 667.98 KiB | Viewed 1339 times ]

Author:  superheater [ Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk...

It's not "some university professor I don't like", I never met her, so I have no opinion other other than what can reasonably be inferred from a public record of attempting to frustrate the operation of a pleasant little road with a serious of demands-with those that were made public indicating profound ignorance or malevolence.

NIMBYS are a tangential aspect to this thread.

As an aside, like any other art, meme making requiring talent. There's a fine line between dank and stank.

I'm curious. Do you constantly find other's conversations unable to meet your personal sense of order? Are you observing any of the following in your life?

*Ritualistic behaviors (e.g. lining up objects, repeatedly touching objects in a set order)
*Narrow or extreme interests in specific topics
*Need for unvarying routine/resistance to change (e.g. same daily schedule, meal menu, clothes, route to school)

If so, you might want to speak with a doctor about F84.0, if you can get an appointment.

Author:  j6677 [ Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk...

superheater wrote:
If so, you might want to speak with a doctor about F84.0, if you can get an appointment.

You seem to use autism as a rebuttal quite often. Evidently self-awareness isn’t a strong suit of yours.

Eagerly awaiting your response,

Author:  Alexander D. Mitchell IV [ Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk...

j6677 wrote:
You seem to use autism as a rebuttal quite often. Evidently self-awareness isn’t a strong suit of yours.

To quote Homer Simpson and others, "It's so funny because it's TRUE!"

As far back as September 1991 (long before Asperger's was a "household name" to most people), a psychologist in the UK proposed a link between Asperger's and a variety of hobby activities, including birdspotting, sports statistics tabulation, various collecting hobbies, and--yes--"trainspotters." Specifically, the people who attempt to see and record their sightings of every locomotive they come across. This was specifically expanded with an example of someone who was apparently the leading expert on carriage door handles of the South Eastern & Chatham Railway (then gone for 68 years).

This, of course, made national U.K. headlines that day as "TRAIN SPOTTERS MAY SUFFER FROM AUTISM".

The distinction has to be made (and wasn't in most of the articles I saw) between someone who is just interested in trains versus the obsessive. There are reasons UK rail enthusiasts will pointedly declare "I'm a railway historian/enthusiast, BUT I'M NOT A TRAINSPOTTER!!!!!!"

We can find such people as a minor sub-set of just about any hobby out there, from quilting to art collection to NASCAR fans to baking to the "river-counters" of model railroading, and such qualities are occasionally celebrated, such as the dogged pursuit of an Olympic medal.

And incidentally, I have associates who mock the FB [page that originates those memes as heavily as they occasionally rolls their eyes at RyPN--for the exact reasons pointed out by "superheater."

Author:  Overmod [ Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk...

I thought the meme was pretty damn funny. I confess to being amused that anyone would take it as a personal attack.

Personally, I am of the opinion that both the 'systemic approach to global warming' and the 'learn to cooperate with or schmooze your government inspectors or regulators' ought to be in their own respective threads. The British requirements seem not particularly different from, say, D&S restrictions during fire season. The only thing 'new' was the prospective cause of the 'heat wave' -- which is not really relevant to the original topic.

Author:  p51 [ Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Now Britain is Removing Steam Locos For Wildfire Risk...

Alexander D. Mitchell IV wrote:
The distinction has to be made (and wasn't in most of the articles I saw) between someone who is just interested in trains versus the obsessive. There are reasons UK rail enthusiasts will pointedly declare "I'm a railway historian/enthusiast, BUT I'M NOT A TRAINSPOTTER!!!!!!"

Every hobby has legions of people desperate to declare themselves fans of something who are still cool nonetheless.
A pal of mine is a big college football fan, but always quick to point out, "But I'm not the type who paints himself in team colors when going to games..."
But in any hobby:
Anyone less into it than you isn't a real fan.
Anyone more into it than you needs to get a life.

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