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 Post subject: READ ME FIRST--Registering for the New Interchange
PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:48 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:31 pm
Posts: 68
Dear Interchange readers--

Welcome to the new Interchange.

To post to the new Interchange, you must first create a profile by clicking the "Register" hyperlink at the top of the page.

You will need to choose a screenname that will appear to other users, you'll need to choose a password, and you will need to supply a valid e-mail address. The Interchange will e-mail a confirmation message to you, including a link you can click to activate your account.

PLEASE remember your password--it is encrypted in the database, and the Administrators cannot supply you with reminders.

After your account is active, you will need to log in each time you want to post. You do not need to log in to read posts.

Registration offers a number of options that are not always intuititve. In general, we recommend that you accept the default settings. However, there are some very useful options you might want to reset:

1. Always show e-mail address is set to Off. This means people can contact you using the Board's "Send Message" feature but cannot see your e-mail address itself. You can change this to on if you do want your e-mail address to be obvious and open.

2. Timezone is set to GMT -4, which means Greenwich Mean Time - 4 hours, or US Eastern Daylight Time. To have the board display timestamps in your local time reset this value to:

Central: GMT - 5
Mountain: GMT - 6
Pacific: GMT - 7

All these settings will increase by 1 hour when we change back to standard time; if you wish, you can reset your profile accordingly after the change.

3. The cryptic date setting is a code for displaying

"Wed, May 20, 2004 12:22 p.m."

You may as well leave it be unless you have a desperate desire to change it. If so, there is a link you can use to learn the alternate date and time codes.

Your request will be read by a human. Do them a favor and include a reason why we should approve your request. Name your favorite engine, or the project you are involved with. Please give us a reason to approve your membership.

Please send any feedback, especially descriptions of any errors encountered, to Randy at

Many thanks,

Randy Hees
Interchange Moderator

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