Railway Preservation News

B&LE 643 in the news
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Author:  p51 [ Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Dave wrote:
One major mistake is the fantasy that something must be worth as much as has been invested in it. This is not an indicator of real market value, since the original investor probably was not making rational choices.
True. Just ask almost any owner of a hot rod at a car show. They'll tell you they'd NEVER get out of it in a sale for all the time, work and parts that were put into it to start with. Some once told me that with any types of large machines, there is no better way to turn a large fortune into a small one.
Emmo213 wrote:
Does anybody know what he's actually asking?
Yes, and for that matter, is he still even asking it at this point?

Author:  Lincoln Penn [ Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

I've heard the same thing applied to certain people:

"If I could buy that guy for what he's worth and then sell him for what he thinks he's worth, I'd be rich."

Author:  p51 [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Becky Morgan wrote:
Yeah, old cars. I use my ancient LeBaron as my yarn storage shed. I have had to fend off infinite numbers of junk buyers eyeing it up--with my yarn IN it!--and one guy I caught with his truck in our driveway, chaining it to the bumper, who said "What? I was just gonna get rid of this old car for ya."
That exact thing happened to a pal of mine in the Northeast last month. He has a 'pre-restoration' WW2 3/4 ton weapons carrier (a big tactical truck) and he woke up one morning to the sound of clanking chains on the old farm he lives on, to see that very sight.
He had a pretty clever response, considering he had no idea what was going on.
He came out heavily armed, made the truck guy leave his cell and wallet in the cab, keys in the ignition and then said, "Now, get to walking!" he also made it clear he now knew who the truck guy was and where he lived, with the underlying suggestion that this wasn't over by a long shot if anything else ever happened he didn't like.
It was a really long hike to the nearest phone. The police didn't even call for a few hours. When they showed up, they took his statement. He didn't get in trouble (amazingly, as he kept the guy's cell and wallet) as he had clear evidence that the truck guy was committing a felony (grand theft auto) at the time and the state laws apparently considered his to be a reasonable response to the act.
The cops told him that this was actually not an uncommon thing, and when nabbed the thieves seemed to think they were in the right to declare someone else's property (on their own land) as 'abandoned' and therefore fair game.

Author:  Becky Morgan [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Now that is a police department with excellent sense!

Just in case anyone on here is into old Chrysler power, I'd gladly give old Barry to anybody who restored cars, either as a parts donor or a restoration candidate. Husband would love to have it out of the way. The garter snakes would be unhappy for a while, but I could always put up a small greenhouse for their new roost and put the yarn in my future storage shed way out back. It's just the idea of somebody muscling in, then threatening me when I told him to get a move on. That's not the kind of thing you put up with.

Author:  Dave Lewandoski [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

well I'm into old Mopars....but you lost me at the snakes.....:) just for the heck of it...what year is the car and where are you?

Author:  Becky Morgan [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

85 1/2, four-door sedan, east-central Ohio. It's blue and still has some decent body panels, though the bottom of the driver's side door is rusty.

The garter snakes are about 18" long and are really good at mouse population control.

Author:  Richard Glueck [ Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

And as my Grandma said, "A snake in the bushes is worth two in your hands".

Author:  p51 [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Becky Morgan wrote:
Now that is a police department with excellent sense!
Oh, I left an important part of that out, the cops found an unregistered loaded handgun in the cab of the tow truck. He'd said he'd made the guy leave his wallet to ID the guy later, as there wasn't any way to know the tow truck wasn't stolen as well and the cell phone was left... well, just to punish the guy and make him walk a few miles to the nearest pay phone on a very hot day.
I emailed him yesterday asking what the final result was, and he said the tow company was investigated for a lot of thefts like this and some people are going to jail for a while over it. And the driver is in a lot of trouble with the law...

Author:  bigjim4life [ Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Steel City wrote:
Why not just haul it out by the line that it sits next to?

A few reasons. First, I believe the tracks are cut to where the engine currently sits (which I believe was mentioned earlier in the thread, if not, I apologize). Second, it's CSX - with their anti-steam/anti-antique equipment policy - that is, if you attempt to consider moving it on its own wheels out of there. Third, is there a specialized flat car big enough to haul that out in anything more than pieces? There's no way it's being hauled out in one piece. I know that C&O 1309 was hauled on CSX via specialized flatcar (TTX, I believe), but the engine was taken apart to do so - would it fit the 643? Fourth - the owner is not going to sell it, let alone move it somewhere else, and what railroad (not one of the Class 1's, obviously) will accommodate it?

Author:  G. W. Laepple [ Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Having recently paid No. 643 a visit, I can tell you the main reason it will not be moved any time soon is that the switch connecting its current storage siding to CSX has been removed. Reinstalling that switch would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the need to properly insulate and jumper everything for the main line signal system, not to mention the need to take the CSX line out of service for the installation, delaying numerous trains. It's not going to happen!

Author:  co614 [ Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Mr. Laepple is spot on. The chances that CSX will ever agree to move this engine over their system are slim to none and slim left town years ago.

Sadly the heavy odds are that once the owner passes away the estates only viable option will be to scrap her in place.

The real shame here is that 5 years ago there was a chance to have her moved ( at tremendous expense) to the Age of Steam Roundhouse but the owner was unwilling or unable to come to grips with reality.

Sad but true.

Ross Rowland

Author:  co614 [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Sure hope you're proven right Steel City but I highly doubt it. The costs involved in moving this now landlocked locomotive are well into the 6 figures and due to its size there are precious few places it could run even if by some miracle ( and it would be a miracle) it attracted the angel with the funds to finance its liberation.

Near impossible to handicap a situation like this but IMHO the odds of it eventually being scrapped in place vs. getting moved are at least 10:1 in scrappings favor.

Darn shame as a few years ago there was some chance to get the AOS folks to adopt it, but that ship has sailed.

Sad but true. Ross Rowland

Author:  Alexander D. Mitchell IV [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news


EXPLANATION after the fact:

A then-new, now departed/deleted, forum member stated in January 2017 that another organization (of which he claimed to be a member) was planning to remove B&LE 643 from its then-present location in McKees Rocks, Pa. for restoration to operation and use on a to-be-acquired rail line in the area.

Author:  steamfan765 [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

you know if I had the funds I would buy it and then give it to the AOS group. I'm sure I could talk to Mr. Campbell into selling 643 how will I do that? that will be my secret. I think if I had both Ross and Jerry Jacobson with me it could be possible. I'm a 28 year old millennial who love trains. I think Mr. Campbell might sell 643 because he'll know that a young man and maybe a group of people who love trains would take good care of of his 643.

So maybe Mr. Campbell would sell or give the 643 to a group of young people who are passionate about trains and senior steam collector who have a good home for the 643.

But I think it could only happen if I had the funds and with help of senior railroad men who have experience in dealing with people like Mr. Campbell.

your thoughts on this

Author:  Charlie [ Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: B&LE 643 in the news

Seems like it'd be cheaper to buy the property that the locomotive is on and build a museum around it.

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